I am not really sure that saying totally applies to this post, but I liked it so I used it!
I know I already posted once today, but I really wanted to share this with everyone. Everyone knows how important our old photos are to documenting our family history. Some people are fortunate to have lots and lots of old pictures that are in amazing shape. But there is always 1 or 2 family members of whom you have precious few photos. And it never fails that these few are in the roughest condition! Have no fear...there is a way to salvage your precious family heirlooms!

In this digital age, photo restoration options are larger than ever! If you find yourself in need of this service, contact me to discuss how we can save your heritage.
Just a note: In the example photo, I did not want to make the photo look totally new. My objective was to fix the damage and still maintain the heritage look of the original. This photo not only had wear from age, it had flash reflection causing problems also.